Everyone begins in the company-wide, forced-filled and fast filling 1×4 Starter Matrix. With the $500 ($125×4) generated by the filling of the 1×4 on your 1st cycle, Admin purchases the product for your 1st income Asset, your $500 Sales Page from your Producer. Your Sales Page purchase places you into your Producer's payline to begin earning in your 2nd income stream, the $2 Million Sales Page Rvs-2Up!
There is no Cycle Reward payout on the 1st SM cycle as it is advantages to each Member to own the Sales Page ASAP to be prepared to fill those $125 Sales Page purchase orders from their SM sales as they cycle the SM. You can't sell it, if you don't own it.
Once you have completed your 1st SM cycle, your
Sales Page purchased from your Producer and you are in your Producer's Rvs-2Up payline, Admin will create your Sales Page on your XCLIS Affiliate website. Please See Sales Page example below.
All Sales Pages are created with the name of the new Member in MB #1 on their Sales Page, with their 1st and 2nd upline Producers names in MB #2 and #3 respectively and will remain as created permanently. The $125 received by Admin is used to re-enter you back into the SM to begin earning UNLIMITED $250 Cycle Rewards!
$50 of your $100 Annual Admin fee will be paid from this 1st CR and $50 from your 2nd CR covers your 1st year. We don't earn until our Members are well into profit.
Although the cost of the $500 Sales Page is $500, when it's purchased from you, your Sales Page is referenced by Admin and each named Member will receive a commission amount of $125 totaling the $500 ($125×4) cost.
Your Income Stream No.1 is projected to begin taking shape as shown in the Sales Page illustration chart below.
Income Stream No.1: $75+ Million Potential In Page Sales 3 Levels Dwnln Illustration
Here's how. As the 2nd and 4th of your illustrated 10 SM sales cycle the SM, their Sales Page is purchased from your Producer as the system will pass-up these two sales to your Producer.
Remember, each Member's purchase of their Sales Page enters them into the Rvs-2Up.
The Sales Page for each of your remaining 8 (10-2) will be purchased from you, which earns you $1000 ($125×8)! The system places them into your Rvs-2Up payline. These 8 directs, all future direct sales, along with all pass-ups you'd receive are your 1st Level sales of your 3 Levels of downline commissionable Sales Page sales.
The $73K total earnings on Level-1 shown in the Sales Page sales income installation chart above and in the one below is projected upon yours and each of your downline's 10 SM sales having their Sales Page purchased by Admin from their Producer, everyone being placed into the Rvs-2Up and everyone having passed-up their 2nd and 4th sale to their Producer leaving each one with 8 (10-2) sales.
Now, here is how the Rvs-2Up creates those passive $125 Sales Page sales for you. As the 2nd and 4th sale of each your 8 cycle the SM, 16 (8×2) sales will be passed-up to you earning you $2000 (16×$125) MORE! You'll then have 16 in your payline who must each pass-up their 2nd and 4th $125 sales to you! Should this pattern continue through only 10 levels as everyone joined wants to reach the next highest income level, your earnings in pass-ups received alone would total $2 MILLION! This amount would be in ADDITION to your projected $8 MILLION in 2nd Level Page sales of the 3 commissionable Levels.
get your 10 SM sales as we'll assist you in getting your 10, sit back and allow the XCLIS to work it's leveraging magic to grow your income!
Notice that your potential $8 MILLION would be the total of all sales retained by your payline Members because Admin would reference the Sales Pages of each of your payline Members on which your name would be in MB #2 as the Pages for these retained sales are purchased from their respective Producer resulting in you receiving $125 on each of those sales!
It's all here before your very eyes. Just
CLICK THE HAPPY FACE to create your account, choose your upgrade option,
The Rvs-2Up charts below are for illustration only and no guarantee of income earnings are implied.
Sales Page Reverse 2Up Income Illustration
You would potentially have TWO SEPARATE INCOME STREAMS in this Income Stream #1. One from sales
RETAINED by those in your payline and another income stream from pass-ups you receive from those in your payline! How cool is dat?
Unlike all traditional Rvs-2Up pay plans in which the only sales produced by those in your payline that you can earn on are the 2 qualifying sales they
pass-up to you, BUT with our unique Rvs-2Up pay plan you'll earn on ALL DIRECT SALES PRODUCED by those that enter your Pay Line and on their downline sales TWO LEVELS DEEP EVEN AFTER, YES, AFTER they have EXITED your Pay Line!
How you ask?
It's because your name remains permanently in MB #2 on the Sales Page of your direct sales and in MB #3 on the
Sales Page of each of their directs!
Therefore, as the XCLIS automatically converts their FREE, $25 and or $125 SM entry sales into $125 Page sales commissions, $300 SM CRs, into TWO $125 pass-up commissions from each SM sale, along with $1000 commissions, $226 MONTHY commissions and $3500 commissions in our in-house Affiliate biz opptys, your MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR wealth portfolio will be set up to grow passively, simultaneously and perpetually for you and your family once you set your Income Stream #1 in motion now by clicking this TAKE ACTION link to get started without delay as TIME IS MONEY!