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Everyone begins in 1×4 Starter Matrix and with the $500 generated by the filling of your 1×4 on your 1st cycle, Admin purchases your $500 Sales Page from your Producer.

Although the cost of the $500 Sales Page is $500, a commission amount of $125 is paid to your Producer, Admin, and to the 1st and 2nd upline Producers of your Producer totaling the $500 ($125×4) cost. The $125 received by Admin is used to re-enter you back into the SM to begin earning UNLIMITED $300 Cycle Rewards!

These are the FOUR NAMES that will be on all Sales Pages as they are created by Admin for each Member as they complete their first 1×4 Starter Matrix cycle. Admin distributes the 4 $125 payments to the Producers as named on the Sales Page of your Producer

There will be no Cycle Reward paid out on the first SM cycle in order to provide each member with ownership of the Sales Page ASAP.

The Sales Page for your SM sales can't be purchased from you as they complete their 1st cycle of the SM if you don't already own the Sales Page.

Money Boxes

As the 2nd and 4th of your illustrated 10 SM sales cycle the SM, their Sales Page is purchased from your Producer as the system will pass-up these two sales to your Producer. The Sales Page for each of your remaining 8 (10-2) will be purchased from you, which earns you $1000 ($125×8)! The system places them into your Rvs-2Up payline. Then, as the 2nd and 4th sale of each your 8 cycle the SM, 16 (8×2) sales will be passed-up to you earning you $2000 (16×$125) MORE! You'll then have 16 in your payline who must each pass-up their 2nd and 4th sales to you!

The Rvs-2Up charts below are for illustration only and no guarantee of income earnings are implied.

Sales Page Reverse 2Up Income Illustration

The Rvs-2Up Illustrated above shows that you would receive $2 MILLION in commissions derived from pass-up sales you'd receive from those in your Pay Line as provided in any traditional Rvs-2Up pay plan with idential entry amounts and sales per Member BUT it also shows that in our Rvs-2Up you can receive an ADDITIONAL $8 MILLION as shown in the yellow column on the income illustration.

This $8 MILLION would be paid on the 8 SALES RETAINED by ALL Members that potentially would have entered your Pay Line through 10 levels and after passing-up their 2nd and 4th sale to you! Unlike all traditional Rvs-2Up pay plans in which the only sales produced by those in your Pay Line that you can earn on are the 2 qualifying sales they pass-up to you, with our unique Rvs-2Up pay plan you'll earn on ALL DIRECT SALES PRODUCED by those that enter your Pay Line and on their downline sales TWO LEVELS DEEP EVEN AFTER, YES, AFTER they have EXITED your Pay Line! How you ask? Because your name remains permanently in MB #2 on their Sales Page and in MB #3 on the Page of each of their directs!

The projected earnings depicted in the chart above are based upon everyone having 10 1×4 Starter Matrix sales that cycle, their Sales Page is purchased and they are entered into the Rvs-2Up through just 10 levels, which by design can continue building your income automatically and passively to INFINITE LEVELS as long as downline sales are fed into it. However, should you not reach your goal of $10M, would you settle for a 10% success rate and $1M in income? How about a mere 1% success rate and $100K in 95% passive earnings?

But WAIT! Our specially designed Rvs-2Up pay plan cannot build your income to these high levels without the aid of your SECOND INCOME ASSET, your $500 Sales Page! It's your $500 Sales Page that turns your Rvs-2Up into a Money Making Monster!

You see our Sales Page pay plan will pay you $125 THREE LEVELS DOWN beginning with ALL YOUR DIRECT SALES!

If you have forgotten, it's because your name will be in MB #1 on your Sales Page, in MB #2 and in MB #3 on the Sales Page of your 2nd and 3rd Level Page sales respectively and it's the names on the Page of the selling Producer that determines who receives $125 of the $500 cost distributed on each Sales Page purchase.

Therefore, on all of these sales you'll earn those sweet passive $125 over-rides as the Rvs-2Up automatically generates these sales while simultaneously growing your INCOME FROM PASS-UPS RECEIVED!

The $1000 in commissions received on your 8 retained sales would be your FIRST LEVEL PAY of the THREE LEVELS of commissions payable by design of our $500 Sales Page product.

Illustrated Totals in the Chart below are based upon everyone starting out with their 8 retained sales each starting for them 8 receiving lines in their Rvs-2Up after sharing-up their two qualifying sales to their Producer.

Then, as each of your 8 receive their 8 system-generated Page sales, you'd earn $8,000 (8×8×$125) MORE on these 64 (8×8) sales as each name, including yours in MB #2 on the Sales Page of each of your 8 would receive $125! These 64 sales would be your 2nd Level Page sales.

Sales Page Commissions: 3 Downline Sales Levels: Pay Illustration

Then, as the 10 SM sales of each of these 64 cycle the SM, the Sales Page for the 8 to be retained by each of these 64 is purchased from their respective Producer of these 64 and 512 (64×8) Page sales would be your 3rd Level Page sales earning you $64,000 (512×$125) as each name, including yours in MB #3 on the Sales Page of these 64 would receive $125! Your total 3 downline Level earnings beginning with your 8 1st Level Page sales would be $73,000 as shown in the illustration on Level-1.

Thanks to the passive sales generator, our awesome Rvs-2Up, your wealth can continue building on Level-2 through Level-10 to as much as $75 MILLION and potentially MUCH MORE as your receiving lines can continue to grow to INFINITY! You may not hit the $75 Million pay day but I am sure you wouldn't sneeze at the prospects of a 10% success rate and $7.5 MILLION to boot! Heck, I'd be happy as a pig in the mire with 1% and $750,000!

Projected income shown is derived from the 3 Levels of downline sales resulting from your name being in MB #1, #2 or #3 on your Sales Page and on the Pages of these downline sales. Notice that the width nor the depth of these downline sales are limited. If you have more than 10 SM sales to enter the Rvs-2Up, you increase the width of your Page sales and consequently your earnings. By design the Rvs-2Up automatically runs INFINITELY deeper than the 10 levels shown as long as SM entry sales continue to cycle Members into the Rvs-2Up!

Admin creates your Sales Page as described abve and the Pages for your 8 1st Level sales will be created with your name placed in Money Box (MB) #2 which insures that you will receive $125 on each on their 8 or MORE auto-system generated sales.